Monday, June 21, 2004

From Far and Wide: A Brief Rant on Public Advertising and Political Campaigns in Canada (or: Stick Your Ads up Your Ass)

Well, election time is upon us here in Canada (and has been for a while now, actually). You know, that time where we Canucks vote for who we want to represent us locally to try and squeeze some amount of influence on federal matters, indirectly affecting who gets to run the country. Strap yourselves in, it'll be a wild one this year.

Almost as depressing as election time itself is the sheer volume of useless campaign signs I see littered about. I realize that I could very likely be an anomoly in the grand societal scheme of things here, but the notion that my vote hinges on how many signs I see littered around town seems a bit misguided - even insulting - to me. I'm not likely to vote for Joe Conservative instead of John Liberal because I saw more blue signs on my way to work than red. I also don't get the large clusters of small signs that I've seen - wouldn't one larger, clearer sign get the job done? Do we really need to waste that much paper and ink to make hideously ugly signs? I suppose there are worse crimes against humanity to bitch about than this.

I mean, sure, now we have politicans slapping their names on signs to try and using name recognition and exposure in an attempt to influence the way we think about them and what we have to offer. But imagine what it would be like if people did that all the time; not just to try and sell ideals through a largely artificial image, but to sell crap we don't need like fast food and beauty products in the same manner: with sign after sign of the same image, posted up in public view in an intrusive way.

Oh.. wait.


At June 21, 2004 at 10:29 AM, Blogger Parappa said...

Gimme a day or two and I'll post a photo of the NDP sign that Sunny and I have hung off of our appartment balcony. nyah

At June 21, 2004 at 10:33 AM, Blogger Parappa said...

Seriously, though, I dig what you're saying about the retarded signs, but I do want to show my support for the party that I plan on voting for--especially in this election which is far more contested than previous ones. Four years ago, I wouldn't have bothered with a Liberal sign... what would be the point?

At June 21, 2004 at 2:15 PM, Blogger fritz said...

i just think people should vote for the party they believe will do the best job, not the party that has the most of those damn signs up. I feel that a person's vote should be personal, based only on his or her own judgement - not on what their buddies (or antagonists) are voting. Just my idealistic opinion though; i know that most people pay much more attention to what the people they know are voting for than the actual platforms of the various parties.

At June 24, 2004 at 8:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw the absolutely worst sign ever today. It was about 10 feel tall and strapped to a van. The sole purpose of the van is to drive the sign around. Completely disgusting.


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