Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Fritzkrieg's Gaming Checklist

Well, since Parappa did it, I'll follow suit (since I admire him so much)

To Do:

- unlock all the planes in Ace Combat 5, then lend it to Parappa
- finish Star Ocean: The Second Story, and eventually go through it again as the second character
- finish Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
- play through Disgaea, Valkyrie Profile (for the second time), Final Fantasy VIII, and Vagrant Story
- finish Metroid Prime, and Zelda: The Windwaker
- get my arm tied behind my back so that Parappa will be a challenge at Burnout 3
- finish my playthroughs of favorite games I've already finished in the past: Xenogears (almost done), Suikoden II, Final Fantasy VI (recently started)
- get better at Ikaruga
- power up the Game Boy Advance and finish Final Fantasy: Dawn of Souls (FF1 & 2), and FF: Tactics


At January 19, 2005 at 9:47 AM, Blogger Parappa said...

Arm tied...?! It's on, pal.

At January 19, 2005 at 10:55 PM, Blogger fritz said...

Let's see...

Xenogears is about 70 hours, Suikoden I & II combined make up 60 hours, Castlevania: SotN is probably around 15 hours, Metal Gear Solid is about 10 hours, FF9 is about 50 hours (or more), Final Fantasy Tactics I can probably assume is about 40 hours long, and the two Lunar games rake in about 60 hours each, I think. I hear Star Ocean's about 50 hours, Crono Chross is another 50 and Valkyrie Profile's about 25 hours long if memory serves. I haven't even touched FF7, FF8, Wild Arms, Vandal Hearts or Vagrant Story. So that totals up to around 490 hours so far.

So if you were to play 4 hours a day, 4 days a week, it would take you just over half a year to get caught up on cool PSone games. :)

I hope Stuffy has seven or eight months' worth of books to read. :)

At January 19, 2005 at 10:58 PM, Blogger fritz said...

(I just noticed I typed Crono Chross instead of Crono CROSS.)


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