Monday, November 22, 2004

Half-Life 2

Yes, I have been playing Half-Life 2 this week. It's been tough, though, for the following reasons:
- my computer at home isn't good enough to play HL2 on, so I have to sneak in the time at work
- I'm in the process of moving, which is extremely tiring and time consuming
- aside from Half-Life 2, I also have Metal Gear Solid 3, Highway to the Reich, and a variety of other recently acquired games demanding my attention

Complaints about how much my personal life is interfering with my gaming time aside, I have been enjoying Half-Life 2 immensely. The early levels of the game strike me as being somewhat like a cross between The Matrix and 1984 in terms of story and atmosphere. My favourite level so far (I'm not done the game just yet) has been Highway 17 just because the whole "cruising through the post-apocalyptic wasteland" theme was executed so well, and I really felt pulled into the game. My least favourite level was easily Ravenholm, which seemed pretty cheesy and uninspired. Overall, I even feel that Ravenholm detracted from the game's powerful mood.

Of course, these are mostly early impressions. I'm going to be playing Half-Life 2 for a long time, and my opinions will mature as I play through multiple times on different difficulties. One thing is for sure already: Half-Life 2 is simply amazing.

Saturday, November 20, 2004


I've started up a new blog dedicated to my experiences with the game Metal Gear Solid 3. I realize this is going for a really niche audience, but I thought it would be fun, and it spares people from hearing about it here. (no plot spoilers will be on the site, just overall impressions and gameplay-related opinions). So if you like, drop by: